17: Trustees, Oxfam leadership team and all senior managers (as appropriate) should as a priority, where possible, receive accredited safeguarding training GCPS found that,. Safeguarding in our Shops. Oxfam Australia People and Culture Team, Country Teams (HR & CSFPs), all OAU in- Australia teams (domestic & international), Finance & Risk 1. Senegal Safeguarding Humanitarian Support Personnel My name is Ceri Cockram and I'm one of two "Safeguarding Humanitarian Support Personnel" (HSPs) working in Oxfam's Global Humanitarian Team. Abby Maxman is also co-lead for the InterAction CEO Task Team . You will share with us the personal satisfaction that comes with being part of a team working together to find lasting solutions to the injustice of poverty. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct. the safeguarding specialist will have primary responsibility with the integrity team, under overall supervision of integrity lead, for coordination of the safeguarding portfolio, including keeping the case management database, policies, procedures and toolkits in relation to safeguarding up to date and fit-for-purpose, and is expected to conduct If there is any concern about safeguarding, email whistleblowing@oxfam.org.uk or Myanmar Safeguarding Hotline number +95 9424569821. Safeguarding. The headlines include a new governance structure, that begins July 2021. Our "Improving Safeguarding and Culture Plan" serves as a framework to drive our work over the next years. Experience managing a team with a high caseload and demanding workload. It has set up an independent whistleblowing hotline in five languages and encouraged all staff to use it in confidence. Keywords Child protection Preventing sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse Safeguarding Youth Additional details . The job of the Safeguarding team is to help prevent abuse among staff, volunteers, and partner organizations. In Oxfam, we focus on sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, sexual harassment (SEAH) and child abuse. Oxfam is currently rolling out safeguarding training to all 10,000 staff around the world, and further strengthening pre-employment checks. Reporting to the Associate Director Strategy, Operations and Culture, the Safeguarding Lead plays a key role in providing oversight, leadership, technical expertise, and guidance on Safeguarding for Oxfam in the Pacific. Oxfam treats all allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation very seriously and investigates each one thoroughly. Adapting to a new context Since 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on plans. the safeguarding specialist will have primary responsibility with the integrity team, under overall supervision of integrity lead, for coordination of the safeguarding portfolio, including keeping the case management database, policies, procedures and toolkits in relation to safeguarding up to date and fit-for-purpose, and is expected to conduct wide Safeguarding Network has been established to lead and serve the needs of the Oxfam Confederation's safeguarding work. It will help to separate management from governance and promote accountability, diversity and effectiveness. It links our work on safeguarding, culture change, gender, programs and human resources, within an improved governance framework. We are specialists, ready to deploy quickly into a country where Oxfam needs to give our local team a boost as we mount a response. local legislation must be followed with guidance from the [Affiliate equivalent to Safeguarding Team and the Head of HR]. 4. An independent HR review, carried out for Oxfam in 2017, highlighted weaknesses and made 40 recommendations to strengthen the culture, 35 of which are in the process of being taken forward. On Tuesday, the Charity Commission published the findings of its 18-month investigation into the NGO's handling of allegations of sexual exploitation and bullying by senior Oxfam GB staff working. The latest claims come after allegations of sexual misconduct in the charity's Haiti and Chad programmes, and claims that the charity failed to provide the . . The Action Plan required that the Charity strengthen its Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Children, Bullying and Harassment, Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), and Survivors. Oxfam's Leadership Team Dr Dhananjayan (Danny) Sriskandarajah, CEO Alison Court, Chief Transformation Officer Jane Cunliffe, Chief Financial Officer Jan Oldfield, Chief Supporter Officer Jennie Richmond, Chief Impact Officer (interim) Tina Proudlock, Chief Operating Officer Other key roles Global Safeguarding Director Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and . All of our work on gender justice and women's rights puts . As an Oxfam employee, you will join a team of professionals that is part of the international confederation of 20 organizations networked together in over 90 countries. POLICY STATEMENT Oxfam believes in the inherent rights, freedom, dignity and equality of all people, including children.1 Approved by/Date Safeguarding & Culture Task Force 22nd July 2021 Effective Date 22nd July 2021 Document Policy Document Classification Internal Policy Category Organisational Last revision 2020 Shop Support on 0300 2001333 or support@oxfam.org.uk. It aims to align our approach to safeguarding across Oxfam's international confederation in more than 90 countries across seven regions. Oxfam policy will apply in the event that it is more stringent than local legislation. Safeguarding. Tags: Safeguarding report oxfam 0 0 0 New Our Goal, Mission and vision Message from the Country Director Child Safeguarding in Oxfam Humanitarian Responses 64 3. Introduction to Youth Safeguarding is a three-day training designed to give an overview of Oxfam's policies and approach to safeguarding young people in its programmes. Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty. To protect the people we work with, our colleagues and volunteers against all forms of sexual harassment, abuse, exploitation or violence, Oxfam has developed policies and procedure under the common name Safeguarding. Oxfam has confronted this in our own organization in recent weeks. Oxfam safeguarding allegations: Our key coverage News On Friday 9 February The Times published a front-page story over claims that Oxfam had covered up an investigation that found that aid staff working in Haiti had been using sex workers. What is safeguarding in Oxfam Safeguarding in Oxfam is a set of procedures, measures and practices to ensure that Oxfam upholds its commitment to prevent, respond to, and protect individuals from harm committed by staff and related personnel. Workshop overview Day 1: Understanding what we mean by safeguarding by considering international law, domestic law, Oxfam policy and local context. 5. Safeguarding Policies and Procedures at OxfamAt Oxfam, we are committed to zero tolerance of sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse in our organization. It was recommended that Oxfam develop a more enhanced model, which would have clearer processes to allow for more . An effective and capable safeguarding team is key to supporting the leadership team in these aims. Oxfam's team in Haiti presented the findings of the IC and UK CC reports, alongside Oxfam's progress reports on the . One of our Oxfam safeguarding leads, Cahyanti, ran safeguarding training for our local partner organization, staff and volunteers delivering vital aid in Indonesia. It focuses on sexual misconduct, but also looks at different forms of abuse against children or vulnerable adults. Representatives from Oxfam have yet to say whether the four people now working in its dedicated safeguarding team are full or part time members of staff. Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. It is aimed at Oxfam programme staff and those who work with an Oxfam partner in a capacity that involves them working closely with young people. . The Times reports that the. The interim review, by a team of policy and legal experts, was set up by Oxfam following reports that the charity covered up allegations that its staff paid for sex during a relief mission in . Approved by/Date Safeguarding & Culture Task Force / 11th March 2021 Effective Date 11/03/2021 Document Policy Document Classification Internal Policy Category Organisational Last revision 2018 During emergencies, such as the disaster that hit Sulawesi in late 2018, we work collaboratively with local people and organisations to respond to the community. Short introductory videos to the Standards are . Menu. Oxfam America's safeguarding measures include a confidential whistleblowing mechanism, which is mediated by a third-party service provider called Navex Global (known internally as EthicsPoint). The selected consultancy team /researcher should involve a primary data collection from the partner . We have a confidential 'whistle-blowing' helpline, a dedicated Safeguarding Team, and safeguarding contact points within countries. Day 2: Responding to allegations of abuse perpetrated by Oxfam staff, youth leaders or partners. Oxford. Haiti investigation report. Oxfam does not accept any form of sexual or child abuse, . Oxfam America has also brought on board a full-time Senior Advisor for Safeguarding and hired a VP of People, Culture and Global HR, who along with senior leadership, is responsible for the development of a workplace culture and practice that reinforces Oxfam's values of inclusiveness, empowerment, and accountability. Oxfam's Global Humanitarian Team set a goal to ensure all staff have participated in Safe Programming training in 2020. Our values and commitment to safeguarding Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people, adults and beneficiaries with whom Oxfam GB engages. Leads the strategic development, management and delivery of all operational requirements of Oxfam's Global Safeguarding (SG) Team to corporate standards. This is Oxfam's final internal investigation report from 2011 into allegations of sexual misconduct. Improving safeguarding and culture at Oxfam Over the past years, Oxfam has taken major steps towards aligning and improving our approach to safeguarding across the confederation. The team will include monitoring and evaluation and ensure compliance with all external and internal (to Oxfam) quality and contractual obligations of Oxfam in Ethiopia may have. A key tenet of is building confidence in the organization's practices so individuals feel comfortable reporting abuse. Reporters . . This team, under the strategic direction and leadership of the Oxfam International (OI) Director of Safeguarding, is made up of roles with a wide range of expertise and from different parts of the organization (affiliates . Eight leading development and humanitarian organisations have published a statement setting out the concrete actions they are . -Visit your Oxfam Affiliate website or the Safeguarding Compass Community for up-to-date contact details of your closest safeguarding team. Oxfam also said that it in ran a number of training course in 2014 "as part of its efforts to improve our safeguarding in highly vulnerable countries". The report pointed to significant gaps in Oxfam's safeguarding and working culture while recognizing the progress that has already been made and Oxfam's commitment to change. We have been adapting to COVID-19 too - creating online safeguarding training tools to ensure that staff, volunteers, and partners are provided with effective support and training during this period. Local Oxfam safeguarding lead Cahyanti runs safeguarding training for our local partner organisation, staff and volunteers delivering vital aid. Recommendation No. Additional actions that Oxfam is planning include: Mobilising a new 550,000 "Global Integrity Fund" to help strengthen safeguarding work of local civil society organisations Boosting its own safeguarding capacity and resources in the most fragile and challenging environments in which it operates All reports are confidential and we will only share the details with the . -Visit your Oxfam Affiliate website or the Safeguarding Compass Community for up-to-date contact details of your closest safeguarding team. Our values and commitment to safeguarding. As part of the Oxfam Global Safeguarding Team and the broader Oxfam Safeguarding network, you will help deliver Oxfam's strategy and program to protect those we work with from sexual . The consultant will take into consideration the needs and priorities on the continent (country programs, regional platforms1 and the Addis AU Advocacy Office), the . We commit to zero tolerance in relation to sexual harassment, abuse, exploitation or violence. . Oxfam Safeguarding Team on safeguarding@oxfam.org.uk or telephone +44 (0)1865 473813 Ways to report misconduct (Whistleblowing) At Oxfam, it is vital that everyone who works for us maintains the highest standards of conduct, integrity and ethics, and complies with local legislation. This builds on the whistleblowing line put in place after 2011. The position is responsible for strengthening individual and organisational capacity of Oxfam . It can also be useful for staff of other agencies working with children and youth. This policy sets out Oxfam's approach to preventing and addressing sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse. The Head of Employee Relations Global Shared Service and Head of Oxfam Internationals Safeguard- ing Team are responsible for reviewing and updating this Policy annually, in line with legislative and organisational developments and hold overall accountability for Oxfam [s Safeguarding work. Tags: Oxfam. . Oxfam today publishes its regular six-month update (to March 2021) of its Safeguarding and Culture Improvement Plan that it set up two years ago. Oxfam in Horn, East and Central Africa (HECA) wishes to identify a consultant to develop a light, overarching and inclusive Safeguarding Strategic framework for Oxfam in Africa, covering the period 2022-2024 (the "Service"). . Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct. . 3. We now have dedicated safeguarding focal points in every country where Oxfam is present, who work with staff and communities. Since starting with Oxfam only a few weeks ago, I've not been disappointed! In this role, you will be leading the Oxfam GB Safeguarding team and work in collaboration with Oxfam International Safeguarding colleagues to collectively deliver Oxfam's safeguarding strategy and programme in order to protect those we work with from sexual exploitation and abuse perpetrated by Oxfam representatives. We centre the experiences and voices of women, women's rights and feminist organizations, who play an essential role in promoting gender equality and realising women's rights to dismantle the inequalities that shape the experiences of all women and men around the world. Ms Evans had emailed Oxfam's chief executive, Mark Goldring, warning that data being gathered from staff "increasingly points to a culture of sexual abuse within some Oxfam officers" but a. Work with Oxfam safeguarding specialists to develop an assessment tool, based on Oxfam safeguarding core standards (that aim at transforming organizational culture, policies and practices to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse). This includes: Coordinating technical SG advice; Coordinating the design, development and approval of SG policies / procedures at Board and Senior . A proposed safeguarding model Oxfam's Safeguarding in action update, August 2019. Support for Survivors and Victims Support will be offered to survivors and victims, regardless of whether a formal internal response is carried out (such as an internal investigation). The inquiry also examined Oxfam's wider approach to safeguarding and concluded that the charity's own commitments and promises in the past had not always been matched by its resources. i Job Purpose. Oxfam's Safeguarding Team and senior management teams can offer further support to staff, volunteers and other representatives on implementing this Policy. This whistleblowing system has been in place with Oxfam America since at least 2010. . One Oxfam Safeguarding Core Standards offer a simplified, easy to understand and 'non-negotiables' document, offering a summary of Oxfam's multiple public safeguarding commitments to guide practice (assess gaps, support planning, analyse performance), strengthen safeguarding systems and ultimately help hold managers in Oxfam accountable. Oxfam is a world-wide development organisation that mobilises the power of people against poverty. Oxfam has since made a significant investment in its safeguarding team and provided training across the organisation. A Practical Guide to support the implementation of the Oxfam Australia Child Safeguarding Policy. Oxfam policy will apply in the event that it is more stringent than local legislation. Oxfam communicated the report with all of . . Oxfam has been active in the DRC since 1961, and its work focuses primarily on humanitarian projects such as providing long-term access to clean drinking water. During emergencies, such as the disaster that hit Sulawesi in late 2018, we work collaboratively with local people and organizations to respond to the community. Day 3: Preventingncidents of abuse perpetrated by Oxfam staff, youth leaders or partners. Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Abby is a leader on safeguarding systems and cultures in the aid sector, as well as humanitarian and development policy, practice, and learning. Oxfam's former head of global safeguarding has said that senior staff at the charity and the Charity Commission were both aware of concerns about Oxfam's safeguarding policies and the alleged underfunding of its safeguarding function.. In 2017, Oxfam International created a global Safeguarding Task Force, led by Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam International Executive Director. Read about our 10-Point Action Plan to strengthen Oxfam's safeguarding policies and practices and to transform our organizational culture. For more information about Oxfam International safeguarding, click OI . Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. the review team that Oxfam is now much better placed to Here are two examples of Safe Programming training and how Oxfam country teams are implementing what they learned in their humanitarian programs. Apr 2020 - Present2 years 5 months. Our values and commitment to safeguarding: Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and . The work has a global . Safeguarding concerns and fraud/corruption-related misconduct can be reported via email or online All reports are confidential and we will only share the details with the appropriate team members to progress your complaint. She has been at the forefront of Oxfam's response to the COVID pandemic; launching and leading the organization's ambitious 2030 strategy; championing accountability, and galvanizing action for . Oxfam takes safeguarding extremely seriously. TEAM PURPOSE: To ensure Oxfam has the HR and administration capacity to develop and deliver high quality programmes in Jordan . based on a human-centred approach. Our Global Humanitarian Team has improved the way that Oxfam shares information about safeguarding with affected communities (adapted from six core principles developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee).

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